Viaja a las Motañas Arcoiris


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Te gustaría visitar una de las más fascinantes formaciones montañosas en el mundo, Travel Society te lleva a descubir las Montañas del Arcoiris (Rainbow Montains 彩虹山脉 ) en Zhangye (张掖). Aprovecha los descuentos de este viaje si reservas a través de HOLA CHINA.

Estas montañas han sido llamadas «milagro geológico» y «paraíso de la fotografía». No importa como la gente llama a éste lugar, sin duda es uno de los tesoros ocultos de China.

Un viaje increíble, donde también tendrás la experiencia de pisar uno de los más pintorescos valles en Asia, ver antiguas esculturas budistas talladas en acantilados y pasear por los mercados de colores.

Reserva tu viaje:

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Más información sobre este viaje:

Day 1 – Friday, April 1
12:05 – Catch our flight from Shanghai to Lanzhou
15:05 – Airport pick up
18:00 – Try some famous Lanzhou noodles
21:25 – Our sleeper train leaves for Zhangye

Day 2 – Saturday, April 2
5:00 – Arrival in Zhangye and transfer to our hotel for a short rest
08:30 – Breakfast
9:30 – Hop on the bus
10:30 – Start out on our adventure in remote China, climbing down ladders to reach the heart of the valley and explore little known parts of the world
12:30 – Bring along your favorite food for our outdoor picnic
13:30 – Head to one of Asia’s most picturesque valleys for a trek
16:30 – Return to town
18:00 – Hit the night market for a local dinner
19:00 – Free time to chill or go for a drink

Day 3 – Sunday, April 3
07:00 – Breakfast
08:00 – Leave for the awaited Rainbow Mountains
09:30 – Stop at a place dubbed “paradise for photography” to get some of the best shots of your life
12:15 – Local specialty lunch
13:30 – Enjoy a walk around the Rainbow Mountains
18:00 – Return to town
19:00 – Local specialty dinner

Day 4- Monday, April 4
07:00 – Breakfast
08:00 – Leave for the amazing ancient Buddhist carvings
09:00 – Visit the Mati temple, one of the most important Buddhist grotto built 1600 years ago
11:30 – Return to town
12:30 – Local specialty lunch
13:30 – Check out and head to the railway station
14:21 – Catch our train/bus for Xining
17:00 – Arrive at the airport to catch our flight home
21:10 – Arrive in Shanghai

Story behind this trip:
In 2010, during a trip on the Silk Road, we bumped into a hardcore traveler who had been traveling in China for 2 years straight. He told us about an incredible place few travelers have ever seen- the Rainbow Mountains . He was so inspired by them that he went back for a second visit after we met. It took a few months of research, scouting, and planning, but we finally got a schedule together to make it possible for you to visit this extraordinary place.

Dates: April 1 – 4 (For the Tomb Sweeping holiday weekend)

Included – Ground transportation from Zhangye
Not included – Flight/train to Xining (book your flights as soon as possible since these routes tend to sell out fast)

Recommended flights/trains (we need to take a flight and a train to arrive there):
Shanghai – Zhangye
First leg (flight):
Route: Shanghai – Lanzhou
Flight #: 9C9000
Departs: 12:05-15:05,
Estimated price: 500RMB
Second Leg (train):
Train #: K9661 (Lanzhou – Zhangye)
Departs 21:25 – 04:47
Price: 205RMB ( sleeper)
Zhangye – Shanghai:
First leg (train):
Route: Zhangye West– Xining
Train #: D2742
Departs: 14:21 – 16:03
Price: 91.5RMB
Second Leg (flight):
Route: Xining – Shanghai
Flight #: CA1976
Departs: 18:25-21:10
Estimated price: 1800RMB
– The way back can be cheaper but you will arrive a day later.

* Book your tickets on It’s quick and easy. They even have an app. If you still need us to help, a 100RMB booking fee per ticket will be charged.

Western breakfast (eggs, toast, jam, butter, peanut butter, coffee and tea) and local specialty meals. All meals included except for a picnic.

Clean double occupancy rooms are included in the price. If you wish to room alone, the single occupancy fee is an extra 550RMBper person. Please note that availability may be limited. (We can help you find someone to share if needed. However, if there is an uneven number of travelers, an extra 550 RMB single occupancy may apply. Pairings in this case are distributed in a first come first serve basis.)

Price: Book now and get the early bird price of 2,999RMB or 3,499RMB if booked after March 1 (add 100RMB if the booking is last minute – 3 days before departure)
*5% of Travelers Society profits are donated to the WILL Foundation, which takes care of Chinese orphans with disabilities:

FREE!!! A coupon with a cash value of 150RMB to try out Becycle Spinning studio and a 180RMB coupon to for a free Yoga Class at MT Yoga Studio!!!
FREE!!! A coupon with a cash value of 350RMB to try out That’s Mandarin, the best school to learn Chinese!

Accommodation (double occupancy), all meals (except for a picnic), onsite transportation, entrance tickets to all sites, driver allowance, English / Chinese speaking guide, insurance, scouting and preparation, coupons, an experience of a lifetime, and looots of fun!

Does not include:
Plane/train tickets, picnic, drinks, other personal expenses

What you need to bring:
Passport, camera/GoPro, sunscreen, walking shoes, small day pack, and warm clothes

Deposit: 400RMB (included in the price)
*Full payment must be made 20 days before departure

Cancellation & Disclaimer:
If the traveler decides to cancel, s/he can get refund of the deposit (a small cancellation fee may apply) up to 20 days before departure and no refund after that. The schedule may be adjusted due to weather conditions, unforeseeable events, logistical issues and/or maintenance, etc.



“My China experience was so much more than I expected after taking a couple of trips with these guys” – Nadia, USA /June, 2015
“I highly recommend Travelers Society… these trips are just mind blowing. Gotta try them!” – Thibaut, France / April, 2015
“Good organization, laid back people, adrenaline and culture… Awesome trip!” Irene – Spain / December 2014

Travelers Society is the founder of the Green China Project, where we are committed to leave the places we visit cleaner.


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